How to Transfer Files from Windows to Linux Using WinSCP

In the world of computing, the seamless transfer of files between different operating systems is essential for efficient collaboration and productivity. When it comes to transferring files from Windows to Linux, WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) emerges as a reliable and user-friendly solution. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process, making it easy for you to transfer your files effortlessly and securely between Windows and Linux.

What is WinSCP?

WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) is a popular open-source file transfer application that allows users to securely transfer files between a local Windows computer and a remote Linux server or vice versa. It supports various protocols such as SCP (Secure Copy Protocol), SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) over TLS/SSL. WinSCP provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that makes it easy for users to navigate and manage their files during the transfer process. It offers features such as drag-and-drop functionality, synchronized browsing, and integration with popular text editors. WinSCP also supports automation through scripting and supports secure authentication methods like SSH keys and password encryption. Overall, WinSCP is a reliable and user-friendly tool for transferring files between Windows and Linux systems securely.

Steps to Transfer Files Between Windows and Linux Using WinSCP


Verify Your Remote Linux Server is Ready
If you have ordered one from Database Mart, you will receive an email containing the information of your VPS, including server IP and login credentials.

1. Download and Install WinSCP

First, we need to download the WinSCP tool on the local Windows system. Search for WinSCP official download address in the browser, and then click into the page to download the latest WinSCP.
Search for WinSCP
Once the file is downloaded, double-click the .exe file to install the software. Then, select the Install for all users option.
Install for all
After reading through the agreement, click "Accept" to proceed to the next step.
License agreement
For the setup type, just select the default and recommended one - Typical installation. Then, click "Next."
choose typical installation
Choose the user interface you prefer. You can also choose the default option here and continue to the next step.
Choose preferred user interface style
This step is to confirm your choices in the above steps. If you would like to change any of the settings, click back. Otherwise, click "Install" to initiate the installation.
Confirm Installation
When you reach this page, you've successfully installed WinSCP. Now, you can click "Finish" to open WinSCP.
Installation finishes

2. Connect to Linux Server

Before the file transfer, we need to first provide login information so we can connect to the Linux server. We can save the connection information so that we can directly log in without having to enter the connection information every time. Fill in the following information.
File Protocol: Select the default value - SFTP.
Host name: The IP address of the remote Linux server.
Port: It usually is the default port 22. If the SSH port is modified to a custom ports, please fill in the custom one.
User Name: The username is about to log in to the Linux server.
Password: The password for the user.
Finally click the Save button below.
Save the connection information
Name this connection file for easy identification later. Then, click OK.
Name the connection file
From the left panel, you can see that the connection file has been saved. Finally, we click "Login".
Log in to the Linux server
Decide if you would like to add the host key to a cache. If you trust the host, press Yes.
Decide if you would like to add the host key to a cache.
You are required to enter the password again here. Simple type in the password and click OK.
Reenter the password

3. Transfer Files Between Windows and Linux

After logging in, we can see that our local files are on the left and the files of the remote Linux server is on the right. Right-click the file or folder you want to transfer from the left, then click Upload.
Upload files or folders
Here we confirm the directory we will upload the files or folders to. As we logged as an administrator, we are only allowed to transfer files to the administrator directory, but the root directory.
Select the directory you'd like to upload local files to
It is also possible to download the files under the administrator directory to your local computer. Right-click the file or folder you want to download, and select Download.
Download file from Linux to local Windows
Also, determine the path of the to-be-downloaded file and click OK.
Select the directory you'd like to download files to.


By following the steps provided in this article, you will be able to easily transfer files from your Windows local system to a remote Linux server using WinSCP. This will increase your productivity and simplify day-to-day file interactions.